‘The health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible.’

Sir Albert Howard (1873 - 1947)


Soil_ed This installation to highlight some of the issues around food production and soil degradation was to be displayed at the Royal William Yard in Plymouth. Edible plants and a variety of ceramic bowls were to reference the supply and demand with an unavoidable ‘soil to plate’ message. However, the interruption of Covid19 resulted in a few modifications to the way in which the story was told. Slip cast in porcelain and fired in a galvanised bin before being lightly coated with bees wax, the unstable bowls took on an unexpected individuality.  Exploring the object as a catalyst for change, within a framework of multiplicity; the intention was to create space for personal consideration. For more details and images click on the flip book above.

'Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed.’ (Mahatma Gandhi 1869 - 1948)

